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FS2002 B-36D to L Panel This file contains the complete panel and gauge files for a late model B-36 Peacemaker panel. Models -D and later had six reciprocating and four jet engines. Managing the six huge recips was left to the flight engineer, and the instruments gauges for the jet engines were on the pilots panel. These files contain gauge files from many authors. Flight sim would be very boring without them! Sincere thanks to them for there excellent work. (see the read. me file). Author John Spangler jgs437_at_rap. midco. net

Filesize: 3.27 MB | Added on: Sep 05, 2004 | Downloads: 1539

Users Reviews
FS2002 B-36D L Panel complete panel and gauge s a late. Rating: 1.00 of 10 over a total of 1 reviews.

StevePrating: 1
March 18, 2009
When installed, this panel is compressed, giving it a warped look. Tried expanding it, but could not. Basically unusable in its present condition.