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Complete Aircraft
FS2002 FS2004 Yakovlev Yak-38 Forger-A. Yakovlev developed the Yak-38 based on Yak-36 V STOL aircraft. Yak-38 was the first production vertical takeoff landing aircraft built by the Soviet Union. Yak-38 was built to operate from the Soviet medium-sized Kiev class aircraft carriers. Two jet engines vertically installed behind the control seat generate the lift power. After the door equipped up and down is opened, these engines are worked. There are 16 air intakes that open with the spring in the door above. Another one turbo-jet engiine built into the body is generated in the cruise power. A total of about 230 aircraft were built. by Kazunori Ito.

Filesize: 1.37 MB | Added on: Sep 04, 2004 | Downloads: 4270

Users Reviews
FS2002 FS2004 Yakovlev Yak-38 Forger-A. Rating: 8.40 of 10 over a total of 5 reviews.

yosuaimanuel07-googlerating: 8
August 4, 2012
mrawesome445rating: 10
September 11, 2010
garretttttrating: 10
April 13, 2007
hopefully its good no one go to thezt the rip you opff
zdrating: 9
July 2, 2005
The only bad thing is there no vurtual cocpit. Best V STOL aircraft ever.
nightowl2366rating: 5
September 27, 2004
Very nice aircraft with one flaw. After installing flying this jet, i switched to a rear spot view and there were no engines visible Just 2 empty holes,I could see right through the jet. What happened