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Complete Aircraft with Virtual Cockpit
MiG 29B Fulcrum-A 9 12 Russian & German version 1. 0 freeware for Microsoft Flight Sim. 2002 by P. Huggins

Filesize: 6.50 MB | Added on: Sep 03, 2004 | Downloads: 3237

Users Reviews
MiG 29B Fulcrum-A 9 12 Russian & German version 1.0. Rating: 8.33 of 10 over a total of 3 reviews.

malucorating: 10
January 14, 2005
philliprgrating: 5
October 4, 2004
Can only give this a 5. Why not go little further and finish the plane. No pilot panel The vc is pretty good though.It flies very well. afterburner well done. Just need to it. I have seen far better in smaller downloads.
exile34rating: 10
September 11, 2004
its awesome easy to handle, fast, it dosent hurt fps, and looks great plane the only down is hard as H land