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Extra 400 for FS2004 Model Designed by Dee Waldron Panel Designed by Michael Verlin and Marco Balzarotti

Filesize: 9.18 MB | Added on: Aug 19, 2004 | Downloads: 3512

Users Reviews
Extra 400 FS2004 Model Designed Dee Waldron Panel Michael. Rating: 1.00 of 10 over a total of 3 reviews.

dfarrrrating: 1
September 11, 2004
this is a comen thing with planes that arnt done well to solve load fs2004 anothere plane when go select aircraft then up the cessna 400 or wotever one does
Hawkman_2rating: 1
August 23, 2004
As with the previous comment, I too, had trouble this aircraft. got it to load up once, where could see panel. Fired engine. Liked sound package as well The radio stack looked dark and not find an avionics master switch , so switched another plane that knew one, just if was turned on. When tried go back Extra 400, screen went black sim froze. even error message stated out of hard drive space. That bogus since have 30 gig left on my c drive. followed directions in read me now file letter. This seems like would be a really nice plane, but has some problems. d hear from anyone who hasn t problem am having. email gls860
mapguyrating: 1
August 21, 2004
Kinda hard to rate this when FS shuts down every time you use it. Never had problem with any other aircraft