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FS2004 GUIUAN AIRPORT SCENERY Guiuan, Samar, Philippines by Ver Walter Gulfan This is a totally new Guiuan Scenery Addon for Flight Simulator 2004. This features Multi-Level of Detail (MLOD) which makes a scenery framerate-friendly. At a distance, the objects are on its LOW POLYGON STATE. And while you get closer and closer, the objects become more and more complex, making you landing sequence unaffected by heavy framerate hit due to the High number of Polygons of the Library Objects. Guiuan Airport Scenery (RPVG) features picturerealistic with night lighting textures. For more information, visit us at our website: www. philskies. net forum A Philippine Flightsimmers Group Quality Scenery Product

Filesize: 6.15 MB | Added on: Aug 16, 2004 | Downloads: 1294