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WWW. FS-COCKPIT. DE. VU MOONEY 252 TCE COCKPIT This is a picturerealistic panel of a Mooney 252 TCE. It contains the panel with a radio subpanel, a pitch subpanel, a subpanel for the console, a compass subpanel, a atc subpanel and a GPS subpanel (Garmin GNS 530). Ive created this cockpit to use it with the msfs default mooney bravo, because i think that the original cockpit of the mooney is a bit boaring. by Florian Schweizer

Filesize: 1.07 MB | Added on: Aug 07, 2004 | Downloads: 1564

Users Reviews
WWW.FS-COCKPIT.DE.VU MOONEY 252 TCE COCKPIT a. Rating: 2.00 of 10 over a total of 1 reviews.

jelamirating: 2
August 7, 2004
I agree with you that the original was boring, however foolishly did not back up my old one and am in a bit of pickle. You must have made this for very low resolution because it does fill screen even at 1024x768, gauges are oval, there no what so ever Virtual cockpit mode. Sorry, do mean to be cruel, but happy