Free Microsoft Flight Simulator Downloads & Resources
Flight Simulation & Aviation Resources Since 2000
This module for the Pocket PC was created using Pocket PC Creations. It was created for my own personal use, but I thought if anyone finds it of interest or if it may be of any assistance to anyone flight simming then you may as well have it. The poing to it is to give the ICAO code for the majority of World Wide Airports. I found this to be quite helpful while flying my plane. I hate having to put it onto pause to look an airport code. I have included the Latitude, Longitude, City Airport. If you think any other useful information would be helpful, drop me an e-mail. I cannot guarentee anything as I work a demanding fulltime job, and create some software modules in my sparetime as well as trying to build my own cockpit. Pics avaiable, just e-mail me. This module is freeware at present, bu
Show more... t this may change over time. I cannot offer a lot of support for this module as it is exclusively a little one, but e-mail me and try, I may have some time on the day I receive your mail. Updates will be put on my own web site, check perodically. Maybe some of your suggestions will be implementated! You will need to download a trial version of Pocket PC creations to install it on your iPAQ (Pocket PC) from http: www. pocketpccreations. com trial. htm Regards Decky Green Show less...

Filesize: 538.02 Kb | Added on: Jul 29, 2004 | Downloads: 1607

Users Reviews
module Pocket PC Creations. Rating: 9.00 of 10 over a total of 1 reviews.

dicksterrating: 9
July 29, 2004
Excellent idea. I d like to see more use of the PDA with Flightsim this. Nice 1