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Complete Aircraft with Virtual Cockpit
Flight Simulator 2004 North American Aviation F-107A The F-107A was an unusual plane with its overhead intake duct. It was an excellent performer, easily exceeding Mach 2, but lost out to the F-105 Thud. This FSDSv2 model has complete moving parts, alpha channel reflective surfaces, pilot figure, afterburner and leading edge vapor effects. The 2D panel is based on a picture and it has a Virtual Cockpit. Note, the Concorde Gauge is required. By Paul Clawson

Filesize: 852.22 Kb | Added on: Jul 29, 2004 | Downloads: 2262

Users Reviews
FS2004 North American Aviation F-107A an unusual plane. Rating: 7.00 of 10 over a total of 1 reviews.

westy841rating: 7
August 13, 2005
great aircraft. handles very well. i d recomend you download this plane.the only thing it lacks are the basic instruments.