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Vickers VC-10 in Romanian covering liveries The VC-10 was always one of my favourite planes and recently I learned that TAROM (Romanian Air Transport) intended to buy several VC-10 aircraft in the early 70s (type ID would have been 1162). Unfortunately in the end they decided against it. These repaints SHOW how would have this great aircraft looked like in Romanian colors. It contains three Tarom covering liveries FROM different decades, one LAR (Tarom charter) livery and one Romavia (governmental) livery. Aircraft by David Maltby. Repainted by Gergely Kosa. Package includes model too so no added files are needed to work, however its highly suggested to download the VC-10 panel, cockpit views and sounds FROM Davids site. http: www. dmflightsim. co. uk Have fun, Gergely Kosa, Bucharest

Filesize: 4.16 MB | Added on: Jul 23, 2004 | Downloads: 1561