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Complete Aircraft
British Virtual Airways Airbus 380-100 The first A380 painted in British Airways livery. BA hasnt ordered the A380 yet but this is what it will look like if BA places an order. Includes screenshots and video. visit www. bvair. com for more information.

Filesize: 2.21 MB | Added on: Jul 17, 2004 | Downloads: 3184

Users Reviews
British Virtual Airways Airbus 380-100 A380 painted livery. Rating: 6.25 of 10 over a total of 4 reviews.

jack744rating: 4
June 27, 2005
Cockpit Un finished, The way it flies Poor, Other A380 s are far better than this.
erhan28rating: 6
November 26, 2004
Nice plane to fly. detail work. One thing that i dont like is the cockpit not complete. Needs more work and guage are ordinary. This seams be un finished
Roxleybobrating: 7
September 5, 2004
maverick1251rating: 8
August 9, 2004
This is the best a380 I have downloaded yet. It remains on taxi way instead of sliding off, and also mangages to take off without skidding sideways. The textures are nice, even allowing for advert, but like other downloads a380, it still very slow respond when banking. Overall though, flying this one wont be deleting it.