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Complete Aircraft with Virtual Cockpit
FS2004 HQ Lockheed T-33A Belgian Air Force. The T-33A came into the Belgian Air Force in 1952 and operated as a training aircraft till 1979 when replaced by the Alphajet. Original by Tim Conrad. Belgian Air Force version by HQ27 Textures. Aircraft parameters altered, automatic engine smoke added. BAF Artwork: Paul J Kellens.

Filesize: 5.72 MB | Added on: Jul 17, 2004 | Downloads: 2342

Users Reviews
FS2004 HQ Lockheed T-33A Belgian Air Force. Rating: 9.00 of 10 over a total of 2 reviews.

russwatersrating: 8
September 20, 2004
Great job. I like this one alot, however, m not too crazy about the cockpit, although it s probably true to life. Don t get me wrong, definately worth download.
zipkicker5rating: 10
July 19, 2004
Oustanding job Fly s Great. Looks fantistic...