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Complete Aircraft
Bluestream Airlines (va) Beechcraft 1900D These are the BSA Beech 1900D aircraft, registration numbers N970BS and N971BS. These are based at KHAO Hamilton, Ohio, USA and fly charter, air taxi, cargo, and regular commuter flights to various local airports. Includes excellent original model by Mike Stone. Updated working panel by Matt Laurita Bluestream Airlines paint by John Elliott Young (J. E. Young_at_bluestreama ir. com). Bluestream Airlines can be found at: http: www. bluestreamair. com

Filesize: 2.89 MB | Added on: Jul 16, 2004 | Downloads: 3367

Users Reviews
Bluestream Airlines va Beechcraft 1900D BSA Beech. Rating: 8.67 of 10 over a total of 3 reviews.

mrdmrdrating: 8
April 15, 2005
Excellent rendition beautifule panels you really feel like are flying with this. My favourite. All that is missing a Virtual Cockpit
jwaz417rating: 9
February 6, 2005
Terrfic plane...fantastic panel, great features, my new favorite to fly
bunson_1rating: 9
January 3, 2005
This is one of my favroite planes. Very realistic The only problem I have with it after 20min flight loose half electronics on the panel landing grear, ATC, automitic pilot .