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Complete Aircraft
Bluestream Airlines (va) DeHavilland Caribou C-7A These are the BSA DeHavilland Caribous registration numbers N949BS and N950BS. These are based at KHAO Hamilton, Ohio, USA and fly charter, air taxi, cargo, and scheduled passenger flights to various local airports. N949BS also flies in various airshows and for special events as our show and demonstration aircraft. This aircraft is built for FS2004. The panel used for the Bluestream Caribou is adapted from John Rushby-Smiths DeHavilland DHC-5 Buffalo panel, panel development was assisted by Major Eric Mitchell of 442 Sqn (SAR), Canadian Armed Forces and Bernie Spanier. Model by Mike Stone Bluestream Airlines paint by John Elliott Young (J. E. Young_at_bluestreama ir. com). Bluestream Airlines can be found at: http: www. bluestreamair. com

Filesize: 2.54 MB | Added on: Jul 16, 2004 | Downloads: 4068

Users Reviews
Bluestream Airlines va DeHavilland Caribou C-7A BSA. Rating: 7.00 of 10 over a total of 3 reviews.

Terzi1985rating: 7
May 4, 2011
good one
alejandro8610rating: 10
January 14, 2005
Pedro-Mouloudrating: 4
July 25, 2004
It s a pity. A good texture on very basic model. With FS95 this would be success but with FS9...