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Complete Aircraft with Virtual Cockpit
Antonov an-12b ukraine af for fs2004. Military transport and transport aircraft. full moving part (including door, ramp). . Vc, panel, sound. Gmax model, textures, panel vladimir zhyhulskiy.

Filesize: 2.06 MB | Added on: Jul 09, 2004 | Downloads: 4713

Users Reviews
Antonov an-12b ukraine af FS2004. Rating: 8.00 of 10 over a total of 3 reviews.

cybercoprating: 7
January 18, 2006
The control panel appears a bit sparse, although I found the use of Russian instrument labels effective. virtual needs work.
alborz7E7rating: 8
July 27, 2004
one day i get up and saw a n an 12 in mehrabad airport .i wish to have it on mfs 2002. same go daily add found .good job
pizzapilotrating: 9
July 9, 2004
Amazing how everything was packed into 2MB. VC and a great panel aswell. I feel this plane is very advanced for its MB size.