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Textures Only
Fs2004 f a-18e super hornet. Single seat multi-role fighter.. Repainted in the blue #7 jet.. This repaint was made from scratch,. And is fictional (my own personal. Demo team). Textures only.. By mike marquez

Filesize: 3.97 MB | Added on: Jun 30, 2004 | Downloads: 2034

Users Reviews
FS2004 f a-18e super hornet. Rating: 3.50 of 10 over a total of 2 reviews.

Mike34rating: 3
June 19, 2006
worthless. how about a real Blue Angels paint job instead of your crummy one.
Chris5155rating: 4
February 9, 2006
Crummy jet but then it is hard to find a decent Panel on any download. PS The Blue Angels Will not be useing Super Hornets. This fantacy. they are too big. Much bigger the C models.