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Complete Aircraft with Virtual Cockpit
FS2004 USAF EC121 full package. Reflexive and weathered textures and complete aircraft with authentic latest air file featuring reworked panel with reworked gauges, Night lighting and cockpit views. Best viewed in high resolutions: 1024X768 or higher. Aircraft from Mike Stone, panel from Hansjoerg Naegele, Jan Visser, Wolfram Beckert and Howard Sodja. Gauges Instruments from lots of brilliant and helpfull designers. By Lus da Costa Pereira.

Filesize: 14.19 MB | Added on: Jun 28, 2004 | Downloads: 5183

Users Reviews
FS2004 USAF EC121 full package. Rating: 9.00 of 10 over a total of 11 reviews.

cybercoprating: 8
August 26, 2006
While possessing a beautifully detailed panel, the VC is missing. The readme file should be modified to read FS9.CFG as opposed FS9.CONFIG for FS2004 and Windows 2000 Professional. From within Command Prompt, use DIR S fs9.cfg locate your from root of drive C. Once directed in README, error messages will no longer occur when starting FS2004.
helicoptero-412rating: 10
December 27, 2005
gracias por las aeronaves suerte bye
turbofan05rating: 9
October 13, 2005
Lo mejor en aeroplano de piston.
SZCZrating: 8
April 3, 2005
TWC_Voodoorating: 10
January 18, 2005
russwatersrating: 10
September 9, 2004
Fantastic plane. It definately has weight to it, and watching the replays of landing with bounce sprint effect is very rewarding. Great sound intimidating . This wil become one my favorite larger planes fer sher
trdsldrating: 9
September 8, 2004
Awesome If you enjoy vintage aircraft, add this to your is a must have. Very good detail and sound it lacks touchdown . The FE panel great feature. Keep the AP turned off just muscle bird through air. Great job
a321-399rating: 8
July 14, 2004
Awesome plane
beebrating: 9
July 8, 2004
very good sounds needs a pinch more detail opening door is nice but would like to see inside when the opens overall it propeller aircraft
rlccgcrating: 9
July 5, 2004
rumblerrating: 9
July 3, 2004
Good all round and the panel guages are excellent well done.