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FS2004 Boeing 737-NG Panel Project, v2. 2. Sky-Decks. com is proud to present v2. 2 of this popular panel. ND displays Flightsim FS2004 FS9 GPS data and msfs default flight-plan information. New interior cockpit, passenger wing views adapted from real 737-NG pictures. Awesome night lighting and fluorescent light splash. Ambient temperature reading in Celsius. By Kevin Sparkuhl, SkyDecks Panel Design. www. sky-decks. com. Shareware, $12. 95.

Filesize: 16.34 MB | Added on: Jun 28, 2004 | Downloads: 6669

Users Reviews
FS2004 Boeing 737-NG Panel Project v2.2. Rating: 8.50 of 10 over a total of 4 reviews.

cchcchcch88rating: 10
August 18, 2010
wipperrating: 4
October 2, 2005
its ok but crap that u have to pay for it why does evrything cost thses days. i added on when go fly cant even see what your heading is or how fast going and turn rto. waste of time
jueljuelrating: 10
August 19, 2005
Fantastic. A wery nice panel, a shame it ain t freeware.
mdogsarating: 10
April 10, 2005