Free Microsoft Flight Simulator Downloads & Resources
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George Bush Shareware Scenery 2002 For Microsoft Flight Simulator 2002. Love him, or hate him, it can not be denied that George Bush has become an icon of the American landscape. This is a sample scenery to place George Bush in multiple locations. You can then SELECT whether you want the full version of Liar, Liar Pants On Fire, or Barbecue Buddy. This sample is free. Full version is very low price of $2us. Will Fisher

Filesize: 951.66 Kb | Added on: Jun 24, 2004 | Downloads: 1073

Users Reviews
George Bush Shareware Scenery 2002 Microsoft FS2002. Rating: 10.00 of 10 over a total of 1 reviews.

keywhitt2rating: 10
August 26, 2004