Free Microsoft Flight Simulator Downloads & Resources
Flight Simulation & Aviation Resources Since 2000
Fs2004 fs2002 vickers viscount 810 panel. A revision of saverio maurris. Original viscount 802 806 panel for use with rick pipers vickers viscount. 800 model with 810 repaints. While the flight model is obviously still the. 800, the panel is representative of the ultimate development of the. Viscount. New main, overhead, radio and pedestal panels are fully compatible. With both simulators through alternative configuration files. Previous issues. Of over idling engines in fs2004 are resolved and a new sound configuration. Is included (requires vc8sound. zip). A full cockpit systems description is. Also included. Minimum resolution 1024x768. By fraser a. Mckay

Filesize: 6.94 MB | Added on: Jun 17, 2004 | Downloads: 1787