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Fs2002 Welcome air dornier 328. Original desing by team ifdg robert versluys, aviel nahoem, kristiaan duivesteijn, karl klatt. Some repainting by team lufthansa and misha kovacevic and this repaint by Alejandro Hurtado welcome air has one do-328j (oe-ljr) and two do-328 turboprop (oe-lir, oe-gbb). My last repaint was the oe-ljr, this one includes the two turboprop. Welcome air is a holland airline that flies between rotterdam, gteborg, antwerpen, innsbruck, olbia, hannover, graz, neapel and innsbruck.

Filesize: 2.61 MB | Added on: Jun 11, 2004 | Downloads: 1665

Users Reviews
FS2002 air dornier 328. Rating: 8.00 of 10 over a total of 2 reviews.

smoking4merating: 7
May 3, 2006
welcome air neverheard of
deltanovemberrating: 9
July 9, 2004
for info Welcome Air is an Austrian Airline based at Innsbruck LOWI