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Complete Aircraft
Fs2004 short s. 17l scylla.. Four-engined, british airliner of 1934. Carried 39 passengers on the london-paris service of imperial airways. Custom panel included. For more details see the included manual. By Jens b. Kristensen.

Filesize: 2.98 MB | Added on: Jun 05, 2004 | Downloads: 1852

Users Reviews
FS2004 short s.17l scylla.. Rating: 7.00 of 10 over a total of 2 reviews.

cybercoprating: 6
January 3, 2007
With a little more work, this add on would have scored much higher. The cosmetics the 2D panel are very good, although absence of manual individual engine starting device is noteworthy. same does not allow feathering 3. virtual poor. Aside from being land based aircraft, it appears essentially as Short sea plane.
robroyrating: 8
June 21, 2004
This aircraft loads easily, and with the exception of vc is a good representation early days air travel.....a very relaxed way to fly.....great job