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Fs2004 scenery sydney sea bases, nsw, australia. Scenery provides sea bases at rose bay, gosford, long jetty and berowra waters. The main feature of this scenery is that it incorporates interactive ai float plane aircraft with instruction for setting these up in the scenery. The sea base operations guide will assist in flight operations in and around the sea bases. This is a beautiful part of the world and the closeness of the bases means plenty of take off and landings while flying over great scenery. Additional sydney scenery (syd2004. zip required) makes flying over this area even more enjoyable. Use in conjunction with aeropelican (aero2004. zip required) which provides an extra sea base. Textures required. Airport 2. 6, vod, nova and nova gold. By Clive Marriott

Filesize: 2.90 MB | Added on: May 19, 2004 | Downloads: 1481

Users Reviews
FS2004 scenery sydney sea bases nsw australia. Rating: 5.00 of 10 over a total of 1 reviews.

steven066rating: 5
January 24, 2005
Alright what s the airport ID