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Bastia poretta airport by christian santoni install you must get nanucq mesh of corsica (www. Francesim. Com) delete all previous version of poretta after unzipping: put poretta in your.. . Fs9 addon scenery put afd_lfkb. Bgl in your.. . Fs9 addon scenery scenery put poretta_exclude in your.. . Fs9 addon scenery nb for slowest computers youd better use the poretta_light bgl which contains less static objects in the scene library do not forget to activate the scenes important put the exclude file under the main scene enjoy thanks and credits the softwares used are gmax for the scene objects and buildings afcad for aprons and airport for the excludes and flatten thanks to my friend grard finalteri; please visit his site: http: perso. Wanadoo. Fr ufucone aircorsica air_corsica. Htm thanks to bob tremblay for his cl415 textures christian santoni csantoni_at_noos. Fr

Filesize: 2.30 MB | Added on: Apr 26, 2004 | Downloads: 1956