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Fs2002 jabiru 2 seater. This is an australian plane that is truly making the spotlight of pilot enthusiasts accross australia and new zealand. Though a slightly little little plane, she has a superb performance as well as being a very clean overall design, sporting a very modern interior. This aircraft model was designed in gmax and sports a picturereal panel. My assistant in this project is the proud owner of a jabiru, shaun gorham who refers to his ship as little jabbi. Look for him at the airshows down under. Many thanks to shaun and his information gathering talents. I wish to also thank the gentlemen that have helped me to learn gmax at the various forums. Please read the read me in the folder. The panel uses a pull-down visual. All flight surfaces function, rolling wheels, turning center wheel and the many various aircraft details that top off this australian flyer. Model by william ortis, lionheartcreations. com.

Filesize: 1.81 MB | Added on: Apr 23, 2004 | Downloads: 1557

Users Reviews
FS2002 jabiru 2 seater. Rating: 2.00 of 10 over a total of 1 reviews.

sparkmanrating: 2
April 23, 2004
Won t work in fs9, Cartoon like, will only stall on take off, some else had one of these but tried to get complicated and made the down load big. Maybe two groups could together make that was workable. Not up parr with what I have loaded from Surclaro.