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Westport airport scenery (nzws) fs2002 & fs2004 luke clarke thank you for downloading my westport scenery with msfs default buildings. This scenery includes taxiways, aprons, lighted runways and msfs default buildings, also included is an afcad for fs2002. To make this airport i have used the new zealand vfg. for the installation of this file just extract to a temp folder, then place the extracted files into the addon scenery texture or addon scenery scenery (just use folder names) folder inside the fs2002 folder. For the afcad, just put in a temporary folder, open afcad, select import airport, find nzws1 and click ok. any comments to help make it better or any questions email me at luclarke_at_hotmail. Com luke clarke

Filesize: 583.07 Kb | Added on: Apr 20, 2004 | Downloads: 1549