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FS2004 Loading screens Downloads page 8 of 20

  FS2004 Splashscreen Description youre tired msfs default  
FS2004 Splashscreen Description youre image 1
Textures Only

Your tired of that same msfs default splashscreen that pops up everytime you start FS2004 and would like a little variety in some actual FS2004 screenshot action. I have created a few splashscreens myself from screenshots I took while actually flying around in ...

Downloads: 920 | 584.07 Kb
  FS2004 Splashscreen Panavia Tornado Gr4 Tigermeet  
FS2004 Splashscreen Panavia Tornado Gr4 image 1
Textures Only

Paintsheme by Frank Panavia Felix

Downloads: 850 | 838.71 Kb
  FS2004 Splashscreen Airbus A319 Lufthansa LU I Frank  
FS2004 Splashscreen Airbus A319 Lufthansa LU image 1
Textures Only

You like it Frank Panavia Felix

Downloads: 1531 | 731.95 Kb
  FS2004 Splashscreen Fairchild A10 Warthog Frank Panavia (1) 
FS2004 Splashscreen Fairchild A10 Warthog image 2
Textures Only

Panavia Felix !

Downloads: 995 | 1.42 MB
  Flight Simulator 2004 Su Squad Splash Screen Ian  
Flight Simulator 2004 Su Squad Splash Screen image 1

Bertolacci Spotlite Production (c).

Downloads: 783 | 24.77 Kb
  Flightsim FS2004 FS9 Splash Screen - Sunset Italy  
Flightsim FS2004/FS9 Splash Screen - Sunset image 1
Textures Only

Daphenisa - August 2005

Downloads: 835 | 581.40 Kb
  sky 100000 foot with Fs9 UgoSauro  
sky 100000 foot with Fs9 image 1
Textures Only

Downloads: 1071 | 380.46 Kb
  Splashscreen Maori Style - Mega Pack Air New Zealand  
Splashscreen Maori Style - Mega Pack Air New image 1
Textures Only

Install: Unzip the Files into a temporary Folder Select a File, rename it to dlgsplash.bmp and put this File into ur Uires Folder (for example:C: programs microsoft games flight simulator 2004 uires) You must also make a copy of the same bmp called ...

Downloads: 846 | 10.04 MB
  FS2004 707 Barrel Roll Splash Screen (2) 
FS2004 707 Barrel Roll Splash Screen image 1
Textures Only

Dedicated Boeing Dash-80 splash screen, commemorative of the famous Barrel Roll with Tex Johnston at the wheel of the new 707 as it was introduced to the press, and indeed, the world, on August 7, 1955. 1 Gs the word By Sidney Starkey.

Downloads: 753 | 778.02 Kb
  FS2004 707 Barrel Roll Splash Screen (1) 
FS2004 707 Barrel Roll Splash Screen image 1

Dedicated Boeing Dash-80 splash screen, commemorative of the famous barrel roll with Tex Johnston at the wheel of the new 707 as it was introduced to the press, and indeed, the world, on August 7, 1955. 1 Gs the word By Sidney Starkey.

Downloads: 941 | 456.80 Kb