Free Microsoft Flight Simulator Downloads & Resources
Flight Simulation & Aviation Resources Since 2000

  Fs2002 Gates And Taxiways Gmax Jetways Greg Schmidtz
Fs2002 Gates And Taxiways Gmax Jetways image 1

Schmidtz Downloaded Scenery Using Shehryar Ansaris Gmax Jetways. Included In This Download Are Files For 6 Airports With These Jetways. They Are Kstl,kpit, Kind,kmsy,krno And Kmci. Furthermore, Kstl Is Split Into Overlay For Twa. By Jon Steffy

Filesize: 229.47 Kb | Downloads: 1057
  Fs2002 Florida Airports
Fs2002 Florida Airports image 1

Adds 16 Modified Larger Airports In Florida, Including Krsw, Ksrq, Keyw And Kpns. Requires Afcad V1.3 And Ttools 1.x By Lee Swordy. By Gerald Sandridge

Filesize: 84.10 Kb | Downloads: 1007
  FS 2002 Add- Scenery Luxembourg Airport ELLX V.7
FS 2002 Add- Scenery Luxembourg Airport image 1

Add-on scenery to the Microsoft Flightsimulator 2002 msfs default scenery of Luxembourg airport. It adds buildings, static aircraft and some landmarks around Luxembourg. The LUX VOR is placed at the new position. The ELU NDB is duplicated with frequency 368.0 ...

Filesize: 1.63 MB | Downloads: 986
  Canary Islands Traffic Ai Package Flight Plans Domestic -
Canary Islands Traffic Ai Package Flight Plans image 1

Binter Canarias - Islas Canarias Complete Traffic Ai Package: 2 Ai Planes: 1 Binter 72-200 1 Binter 72-500 Complete Daily (non Week-ends) Flights Domestic Of Binter Canarias Among The Islands Afcd Files For Seven Canarian Airports: ...

Filesize: 935.01 Kb | Downloads: 1733
  AFCAD CYQT scenery Flight Team Ontario with s CKG8 CYAM

For CKG8, CYAM, CYHM, CYYB, and CYWA with flight plans and ac list used by Gord Broten

Filesize: 20.50 Kb | Downloads: 1036
  KTEB Teterboro Airport Vesion 1.0 FS2002

Including: not working gates but look good light on road hangers inproved lighting place to refuel your plane decing instalation planes fences added terminal buildings gas station for cars parking by Pawel Kusiak and assistants Name is Gary

Filesize: 11.67 MB | Downloads: 1387
Filesize: 565.27 Kb | Downloads: 1067
  Fs2002 Scenery Lpaz An Improved Santa Maria Island Intl
Fs2002 Scenery Lpaz An Improved Scenery image 1

Maria Island Intl. Airport In The Azores. Adds Runway Lights And Taxiway Lights Left Out By Msfs. This Is A Complete New Scenery. By John Sousa

Filesize: 632.01 Kb | Downloads: 993
  Fs2002 Scenery - Elma Municipal Airport Located 20 Miles
Fs2002 Scenery - Elma Municipal Airport image 1

Miles East Of Bowerman Field In Washington State. Elma Is Nestled In The Fertile Chehalis River Valley. Optimized Using The Latest 2k2 Design Techniques Providing Photoreal Scenery For The Airport And Surrounding Area While Maintaining Excellent Fps ...

Filesize: 3.12 MB | Downloads: 934
Filesize: 3.44 MB | Downloads: 1203