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Blue Arrow's Lockheed P-38J-25-LO For CFS2/FS2000

Posted on Aug 01 2001 01:12:35 PM by webmaster (7216 views)
Combat Flight simulator If theres one thing you have as a user of Microsoft Flight Simulators, its choices. There are an almost endless variety of downloads and add-ons, especially aircraft. And Ive heard, on more than one occasion, a denizen of the online forums complain about this or that developer that had the nerve to actually charge people for their work.

If theres one thing you have as a user of Microsoft Flight Simulators, its choices. There are an almost endless variety of downloads and add-ons, especially aircraft. And Ive heard, on more than one occasion, a denizen of the online forums complain about this or that developer that had the nerve to actually charge people for their work. The logic goes something like this: why should I pay for a plane when there are so many free ones available for download? Why, indeed? The new Blue Arrow P-38J-25-LO, thats why. And after you read this, youll see that its all the answer youll ever need. Read more Source

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