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A Real Social FlightSim community

Posted on Jun 18 2010 11:25:06 AM by ceo (3717 views)
General stories Today we are launching Facebook connect single sign-on, this mean that any Facebook user can also quickly join to SurClaro with a couple of Clicks without going through a whole registering process.

About seven months ago we launched Google friend connect single sign-on, this feature allowed new users having gmail, twitter, yahoo, openID, AIM or Netlog accounts to quickly login into SurClaro without having to go through our whole register process, almost 6,000 people has joined us since then.

Along with the features already mentioned, we are implementing new social tools. Already implemented some such as share with facebook friends, publish on Twitter or Google Buzz.

Our Facebook fan page and our twitter has more followers every day.

We have RSS feeds with latest news, add-ons and download ratings, These feeds are connected with Our facebook fan page and tweeter account, then you have several options to keep updated with the latest news from SurClaro.

When we started the objective was to Provide the best quality resources for all flight simulation fans around the globe, ten years later we maintain our vision and expand it to be the best resource site for flight simulator fans in the world.

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