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Posted on Jul 10 2009 06:03:28 PM by ceo (172697 views)
Add-ons developers news If you have a friend with a disability who believes it prevents them from enjoying the thrill of flight simulation . . . think again! They too can use Microsoft?s Flight Simulators and take to the skies!

"Its Your Plane" (IYP) is a flight sim application that enables ANYONE to control a flight from Preflight to Shutdown . . . .


IYP works with Microsoft Flight Simulators 2002, 2004 and FSX, on XP and Vista, using an ever-growing list of general aviation and commercial aircraft that are parked in the IYP HANGER -

Not convinced? A number of registered IYP users who are either blind or visually impaired, are already regular users of this exciting application. Many other physically handicapped IYP enthusiasts have proven that it can be done.

How does it work? IYP has an interactive "live" co-pilot (Mike or Michelle) who can be asked to walk you through any or all the IYP checklists from Pre-flight to Shutdown, and instructed to perform all the necessary manoeuvres to fly the aircraft. Click to watch and listen to Co-Pilot Mike assisting the Captain to land their Cessna Skyhawk at Abbotsford Airport (CYXX).

The following is a recommendation from one of our blind pilots:

?I am very much enjoying my experience with ItsYourPlane! It?s awesome! Thank you for all the hard work you put in to ItsYourPlane and for the modifications you have made to make the application usable by blind users.?

Some time ago, Robert Cezar, the developer of It?s Your Plane, recognized that people with visual or physical disabilities should have just as much enjoyment using IYP as other users. He therefore, enhanced the IYP software to make IYP aircraft even easier to fully control by voice alone. Here are some examples:

Voice Commands Accepted and the Resulting Actions

Blind Pilots Mode On/Off - Activates/ Deactivates the Blind Pilots Mode of operation

Get current air speed - The First Officer calls out the current air speed
Get current altitude - The First Officer calls out the current altitude
Get current ground speed - The First Officer calls out the current ground speed
Get current heading - The First Officer calls out the current heading
Get current vertical rate - The First Officer calls out the current vertical rate of climb or descent

Sound Effects Volume Up/Down - Incrementally changes the volume up/down

Music Volume Up/Down - Incrementally changes the volume up/down of MP3 music

Increase/ Decrease Speech Rate - Incrementally changes the rate of speech faster/slower


Check out THIS VIDEO -

Try the Free IYP Cessna 172 Version and once you are fully satisfied with this exciting sim flying experience you can purchase the IYP Full Version and use any of the many aircraft in the IYP HANGER.

Visit the IYP Website -

Try out the Free Cessna Version -

Review other testimonials -

We?d like to hear from you, so please don?t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or comments.

Helen Cooper
Pacific Feelings Media