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Aerosoft Online: Cape Canaveral expected release

Posted on Jun 14 2005 12:46:04 PM by webmaster (5204 views)
AEROSOFT Online Aerosoft Online is about to release Cape Canaveral 2005 (subtitle Space Coast). This photo realistic scenery covers the whole barrier island with high detail aerial images, has all the objects that you expect to see, superb Autogen coverage and comes with a reduced (but full featured) version of the highly successful Aerosoft Piper Super Cub that will give you a amphibious 160 Hp Cub to explore this region. Expected to be released very shortly, you will find details and screenshots at their forum;

Cape Canaveral is a famous place for just one reason; the USA has been using this barrier island for decades to launch their spacecraft. But for the inhabitants of the region this has been a mixed blessing. On one hand NASA provides a job for thousands of people and it developed this part of the USA. On the other hand, large sections of superb terrain are inaccessible and can not be used for habitation. The wildlife does not complain however, the infrequent shuttle launches disturbs the crocs and birds only once in a blue moon. But Cape Canaveral is a beautiful region, where land and water mix and to see the real beauty you need to take to the air.

With Aerosoft Cape Canaveral 2005 you can do just that. The scenery covers the whole barrier island and its three airports in a level of detail that matches the intended use perfectly. Unlike other photo scenery, this product also has the objects you need to for near perfect VFR flight. Just compare the real and the sim shots and you understand what we mean. But also if your favourite big aircraft destination is Orlando (or even Tampa), you will fly over some very nice looking terrain.

Of course the NASA structures are important in this region, and although Microsoft did a VERY good job, we added a lot of things to these objects. Just putting them on a photo realistic background did really make them take on a whole new life! Just ask Air Traffic Control very nice and ask for the Shuttle Tour. When you are lucky you get to fly all the launch pads along the coast line.

The airports in this product are rather special. How about a runway that allows you to take off with a loaded B747, retract the gear and still have enough runway left to land again? Well, KXMR has a 10.000 feet runway and if you are pilot enough you can do just that. After all, it has been created to land the space shuttle, a craft not really known for its low stall speed.

To explore this scenery, we will deliver it to your system with a 160 Hp Amphibian (!) Piper Super Cub (a spin-off from our full Piper Super Cub product). This full featured aircraft allows you to explore the airports AND the water ways of this region. Landing on open water is totally legal and as long as you stay out of restricted airspace you can fly for hours and explore the small islands and inlets. Now do that with FS2004 real weather and you can get into some exiting situations.

Aerosoft Cape Canaveral 2005 (with the subtitle Space Coast) will be available online in the next few weeks. The major part of this product has been created by Thomas Hogstrom, a new developer Aerosoft welcomes with this exiting and spectacular product.