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Announcing NavAid ATC 2002 Network

Posted on Sep 03 2001 04:05:25 AM by webmaster (3242 views)

NavAid is pleased to announce the release of the ATC 2002 network for Microsoft Flight Simulator

August 1, 2001--The NavAid ATC Network is pleased to announce that our new web site has completed testing and is now open to all flight simmers. Our mission at NavAid is simple: To be the shortest distance between you, and an exciting, multi-pilot-ATC-controlled flight environment. Our new streamlined interface is designed to get you connected faster than ever before.

Just one click to get to the session information. In keeping with our quick-connect philosophy, no pilot-side client is ever required to fly at NavAid. All you need is MS Flight Simulator and Roger Wilco. We will be celebrating our new system with a Grand Opening Mega Weekend on Saturday and Sunday, the 11th and 12th of August, 2001.

All flight sim enthusiasts are invited to join us for two solid days of heavy air traffic and good times. If you havent discovered NavAid yet, theres never been a better time to come and join us for multi-pilot, air traffic controlled flying!

Check out the new NavAid ATC 2002 right now!

About NavAid
NavAid ATC 2002 is a simulated Air Traffic Control network for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2000 and (soon) 2002 utilizing RogerWilco for live voice communications. Our world of live, professionally controlled airspaces provide the most engaging flight sim experience available anywhere, and with a minimum amount of hassles getting connected. If youve never flown in traffic, with real-time, real voice communication, now is your chance to experience the ultimate flight.

NavAid was created in 1999 by Jason Stevens of Calgary, Canada. Membership is always free.