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Posted on May 18 2004 04:15:31 PM by webmaster (5756 views)
Virtual Airlines news and articles East Coast Fly-In

On Saturday May 22nd a fly-in has been planned to honor EVAs CEO James Nobles retirement from the US Navy. This is in conjunction with the retirement ceremony on Sunday May 23rd.
The Fly-In will be on the East Coast FPI network. All flights are requested to originate or terminate at Boston Logan Intl.
ATC coverage has already been confirmed for Boston, Washington, DC, and Atlanta. We are working on providing coverage for the New York and Miami areas also.

Times for this event will be 19.00 until 21.00 Eastern Daylight time (US). This converts to 23.00 until 01.00 ZULU (GMT).

Please feel free to come and join us, and help make this an event to remember.

More information about EVA can be found at

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