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Press Release: Partially Public Domain Satellite System

Posted on Sep 26 2003 02:42:25 PM by webmaster (3271 views)
Virtual Airlines news and articles On September 25, 2003, an official press release was published by Tom Joyce, on the status of the Partially Public Domain Satellite System (PPDSS). "We are planning on getting 9-16 satellites for this Project [Project PPDSS], and have ordered 3 satellites already: a communications satellite, a geographical satellite, and a navigational satellite. We here [at SatHelp] would like to say that our services are not completely available yet, however, as soon as each satellite is up and we have them set up and are ready (which will be very soon after each satellite is launched), we will allow access to data from each satellite. Satellites may be accessed by virtual companies, but they must be allowed to use it, and permissions may only be given by us," stated Tom Joyce, CEO of a new type of virtual company who named themselves SatHelp. SatHelp will assist virtual companies in getting satellites up in the air, however, there are no set prices yet; you have to e-mail them at the moment, and they will arrange for a low price.

"SatHelp would like to thank the Virtual United States Space Program for assisting in the launches of these satellites. They have been very helpful and cooperative in setting up this Project." Tom Joyce added, as a final note.

For the complete press release, go to and see the News section.