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Paul Golding Announces Release Of MD-87/88/90

Posted on Aug 19 2001 12:00:42 PM by webmaster (2497 views)
Add-ons developers news

Included with this panel are things like working windshield wipers, slat position indicator, FS2K GPS, EADI with working Flight Director, switchable working Heads Up Display featuring ADI ladder, ILS bars, heading, speed and radio altitude, landing gear rumble sounds as the aircraft accelerates along the runway, ...

increased wind noise whilst the landing gear is down, the sound of the trim advice horn in the cockpit, visual warnings for disconnection of the auto throttle and autopilot, the GPWS and below glideslope have flashing warnings, First Officer confirmation of gear up and gear down, altitude callout from 500 feet down to 10 feet, "minimums" callout when reaching decision height - which can be set using the RA, working engine fire handles with audible "ring, ring, ring fire left/right engine" test button etc......

At night time, although the gauges will automatically be lit, the panel and overhead panel lettering needs to switched on. There are also two levels of cockpit floodlighting available.

The overhead panel is pretty simple, though it does include starters, pushback, seat-belts switch windscreen wiper and lighting switches. Also included are a full set of cockpit views and probably some other things I forgot about.

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