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Contest BAe 146 Contest!!

Posted on Jan 09 2003 10:24:23 AM by webmaster (3067 views)
Flight Simulator 2002 To supplement the upcoming redesign of FS Aerospace Central at and we are looking to add FS2002 models of the BAe 146-100 passenger version and the BAe / Lookheed-Georgia 146-200 military version aircraft to the sites special Spotlight Aircraft Section. Of all submissions, the best two models will be displayed on the front page and added to the database. The winning authors will receive free MOUSEPADS!!!

Visit the spotlight pages for a detailed collection of SwissAir, United, TWA, Douglas DC-7 and British Aerospace 146 type aircraft (BAe-146) FS2002 models, panels, and accessories.
Rarely will you find pages dedicated to soley one type of aircraft. FS Aerospace Central at presents you with the best available files.