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Perfect Flight Project: Adventures Unlimited - Azzurra Air

Posted on Nov 04 2002 01:10:34 PM by webmaster (3622 views)
Flight Simulator 2002 "Adventures Unlimited" is a new series of Adventures which will cover a lot of Worldwide Airlines. The first release is dedicated to AZZURRA Air

Azzurra is a private italian airline founded in December 1995. The airline, which began operations with two aircraft, now has a fleet of twelve aircraft operating on scheduled routes to the main European capitals and a vast network of charter flights to the main tourist destinations of the Mediterranean area.

Azzurra Air package Includes:

    • 3 aircraft in Azzurra Air livery: Boeing 737-700, Avro Regional Jet 70; Avro Regional Jet 85
    • B737-700 and Avro RJ-70/85 Panels designed esclusively for this add-on Features: Captain and First Officer visuals, both interchangeable! Also, you will have a special Landing/VFR panel view to get during the final approach the same visual as in real life.
    • Unlimited Adventures! Design yourself all the adventures you want using the exclusive Adventure Compiler, the AI/ATC Adventure Generator that allows the complete interaction with the FS2002 ATC and Traffic generated by the Artificial Intelligence. You can create an adventure for any departure/arrival air port pair you like using FS2002 or any other Flight Plan capable to export the plan in FS2002 format (as FSNavigator, Ultimate Airlines etc.). Also you can set-up many options before compile the adventure. For example, if you wnat to change the fuel on board the Compiler computes automatically the V1,Vr and V2 speeds but you can always modify all parameters
    • The Azzurra Air Manager, a software interface written in MS Access (you must have this software installed in your Pc in order to use the Manager) to menage your fleet, the pilot logbook, staticstics, adventures and more.
    • The Azzurra User Guide includses Reference and Checklist and Procedures for all planes provided
    • The Boeing 737-700 Flight Manual includes: Airplane description, Performance, Ground Maneuvering, Terminal Servicing, Jet Engine Wake and Noise Data, Pavement Data

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