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Air Shuttle Express Update

Posted on May 22 2002 10:45:52 AM by webmaster (2071 views)
Add-ons developers news

Official release date for the Air Shuttle Express

Real Flight Brazilian Sceneries - Air Shuttle Express update

After seven months of research and development, Real Flight announces the official date of release for the Volume I of Air Shuttle Express scenery: June 17th.

The scenery will be available on online stores.

Tests and tests had been carried through not only to bring to the simulator a visually attractive scenery, but also optimized for the simulation, with the frame-rate next to the one reached using the original scenery from Microsoft.

Even before the release, Real Flight is already developing some patches for the scenery.

These modifications are referring to the photo-realistic terrain, that will bring a new 2-meter resolution in some areas of the scenery, instead of the current 10-meter and also to the Autogen, making the suburbs of the Capital more realistic.

Still, on the next Wednesday, Real Flight will announce the price of Volume I of the scenery "Air Shuttle Express".

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