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My Add-on Wishlist

Posted on May 05 2002 04:00:17 PM by webmaster (2571 views)
Flight Simulator 2002 I think its time for people to make some spaceships and rockets to fill up the "space exploration" section in the add-on directory. I think we have enough commercial jets now, right? Im not an expert in making custom add-ons, actually I have no clue how to do it. Here are some things I think up while Im going to the bathroom and hope that people will read my mind and make: a Naboo space fighter that can go at least five knots, another ufo, and some sort of huge space ship that can go so fast, the scenery cant refresh completely. I dont know if this is possible, but I also want somebody to make a type of scenery that can increase the max altitude to 200,000 or 300,000 feet. I liked the area-51 ufo from the space exploration section a lot. Maybe someone can make a jet or a spaceship from star wars that uses the same flight attributes. Im not an expert, you can see from my silly ideas. Just please, make something fun to fly for fs2002 or cfs2. Thank you.