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FS2004 Addons Flight Simulator Downloads Page 658 of 6587 results

  Flightsim FS2004 FS98 Scenery - RAF Station Cranage  
Flightsim FS2004/FS98 Scenery - RAF Station image 1
RAF Cranage was a WW2 night fighter station in the heart of Cheshire countryside, tasked with defence Liverpool docks.
FS2002 Scenery | 340.00 Kb | 23-May-2001 | Downloads: 1329
  Flightsim FS2004 FS98 Scenery - Downtown Spokane  
Flightsim FS2004/FS98 Scenery - Downtown Spokane image 1
Washington, and Riverfront Park
FS2002 Scenery | 341.00 Kb | 23-May-2001 | Downloads: 1217
  Flightsim FS2004 FS98 Scenery - Downtown Spokane  
Flightsim FS2004/FS98 Scenery - Downtown Spokane image 1
Washington, and Riverfront Park *Update*. This is a patch to repair few glitches with the original file (, but not required.
FS2002 Scenery | 376.00 Kb | 23-May-2001 | Downloads: 1257
  FS2002 Scenery Flightsim FS2004 FS98 2000 Bus Api Macro  
FS2002 Scenery Flightsim FS2004/FS98/2000 Bus api image 1
Use with Airport 2.xx and Flight Simulator Scenery Creator. This is an update of the MB0407N RMV bus. Requires
FS2002 Scenery | 15.00 Kb | 23-Mar-2001 | Downloads: 1194
  Flightsim FS2004 FS98 FS2002 House API Macro Frederik Neeb  
Flightsim FS2004/FS98/FS2002 house API macro image 1
Textures Only
Neeb for use with Airport 2.xx or Flight Simulator Scenery Creator.
FS2002 Scenery | 41.00 Kb | 23-Mar-2001 | Downloads: 1113
  Flightsim FS2004 FS98 FS2002 House API Macro Frederik Neeb  
Flightsim FS2004/FS98/FS2002 house API macro image 1
Textures Only
Neeb for use with Airport 2.xx or Flight Simulator Scenery Creator. This is the second house of big project designers who are interested in detailed Sceneies many objects.
FS2002 Scenery | 56.00 Kb | 23-Mar-2001 | Downloads: 1129
  Flightsim FS2004 FS98 Scenery - Matsuyama V1.00  
Flightsim FS2004/FS98 Scenery - Matsuyama v1.00 image 1
This scenery includes Matsuyama airport and central part of Ehime prefecture, Japan. Many objects are arranged in city area The ancient castle Jo Castle, department stores, hotels, baseball fields so on.
FS2002 Scenery | 293.00 Kb | 23-Jul-2001 | Downloads: 1665
  Flightsim FS2004 FS98 Scenery - Neuron Air VA Saab340  
Flightsim FS2004/FS98 Scenery - Neuron Air VA image 1
Complete Aircraft
Used on domestic routes from its hub at London Gatwick.
FS2002 Scenery | 54.00 Kb | 23-Jul-2001 | Downloads: 1190
  Flightsim FS2004 FS98 Panel - MB339CB Flown 14sqn RNZAF  
Flightsim FS2004/FS98 Panel - MB339CB flown image 1
Textures Only
RNZAF. A unique to New Zealand aeroplane used for fighter lead in training. An extensive update of my original 339cb panel. Features new panel BMP and tailoredised gauges.
FS2002 Panels | 1.69 MB | 23-Jul-2001 | Downloads: 1772
  FS2004 FS98 FS2000 FS2002 Panel Boeing 737-200 Advanced (1) 
FS2004/FS98/FS2000/FS2002 Panel Boeing 737-200 image 1
Features ALL systems of the real panel (you must try it!), including APU, fuel pumps, HYD GPWS etc. Realistic overhead and pedestal panels. Totally 164 gauges, realistic sounds for every switch sign, sounded engine startup sequence. Detailed operations ...
FS2002 Panels | 7.02 MB | 23-Jul-2001 | Downloads: 5117