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Complete Aircraft
Vf-1j Valkyrie For Fs2000 V1. 75. Vf-1 Is The Transformationable Fighter In The Japanese Anime Macross. Made By Souea. Pannel Modified By Rolf Fleckenstein

Filesize: 1.73 MB | Added on: May 31, 2002 | Downloads: 7821

Users Reviews
Vf-1j Valkyrie Fs2000 V1.75. Rating: 8.09 of 10 over a total of 11 reviews.

GoldEagle22rating: 9
December 2, 2005
Awsome model, fun to fly.
Elenarrating: 7
October 11, 2004
Great plane. Problems Missing landing gear, Plane isn t quite centered in the screen, cockpit not working. to fly anyway
Munchhausenrating: 7
August 20, 2004
nice work. even speed is not so high, you may glide around in crouch mode gears up, flaps5 . the transformation would normally destroy vehicle due to impossible movements. 7 points.
RobotecH-YF-19rating: 10
September 20, 2003
execelent work
ExPhantomPhixerrating: 10
May 31, 2003
45geebee45rating: 6
March 22, 2003
needs more speed bet good model of the macross veritech
sk8injuggalorating: 5
March 21, 2003
timmiorating: 9
January 12, 2003
Unbelievable G changes it into a crouching man. to stand up
flyboy1234rating: 8
November 15, 2002
GALLANDrating: 8
August 10, 2002
gingerlymerating: 10
July 30, 2002