Free Microsoft Flight Simulator Downloads & Resources
Flight Simulation & Aviation Resources Since 2000
Complete Aircraft
FS2002 Delta Airlines MD-90-30. Features animated gear, flaps and spoilers, 3D engine inlets, virtual cockpit and night lighting.

Filesize: 271.00 Kb | Added on: Jul 23, 2001 | Downloads: 3093

Users Reviews
FS2002 Delta Airlines MD-90-30. Rating: 5.50 of 10 over a total of 2 reviews.

100001434034697-facebookrating: 1
February 20, 2011
Plane would not download properly to FS 02. The model appear and dialog error boxes kept popping up with another box about Aircraft Initialization Failure .
t-dog112rating: 10
October 9, 2005
Amazing sound, default cockpit, but that s ok.